Electronic: it’s Meredith weekend, and we are stoked

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Electronic: it’s Meredith weekend, and we are stoked


It’s fuckin’ Meredith weekend, aww yeah. It’s a stellar year for electronic music fans this year, disco/synthwave king Todd Terje is bringing out the full band for the first time ever in Australia and I’m bloody psyched. Disco/funk/punk veterans !!! (Chk Chk Chk) are sure to be another highlight, I’ve seen them a few times over the years and their live shows always go hard. Popular locals Harvey Sutherland & Bermuda are back again bringing their live disco show and Rings Around Saturn will be doing his live cosmic house thing late in the evening. Taking you through to sunrise on Sunday morning will be local legends Late Nite Tuff Guy, Moopie and Sleep D, who were mysteriously announced as replacement for JNETT after she pulled out for an unknown reason a couple of weeks ago. She’s been very quiet on social media lately too, hope everything’s ok there. Sleep D have done this dance before though and will no doubt test your emotional and physical endurance. Catch y’all in the ‘Sup. Tinnies.


If camping’s not your thing, don’t stress, Melbourne’s got you. On Friday, Melbourne Techno Collective are back in action, this time at Boney. Along for the ride is Steve Law, Acid Safari, Sam McEwin, Matt Radovich, Vorn Lewis, Emmymaie and Lateral. Law is a bonafide original of the Melbourne techno scene, having been amongst it since the mid-‘90s under his Zen Paradox alias. If you weren’t alive for raving in the ‘90s but have seen all the weirdly bitter YouTube comments from ageing ravers about the ‘90s being better, here’s a solid opportunity to cop the real thing. Kicks off at 10pm.


At Hugs&Kisses on Friday, Club Derange are back with a couple of solid guests. The Berlin residing Aussie Claire Morgan is making her usual pilgrimage back home and squeezing a gig or two between the obligatory catch ups with Mum. Morgan’s had a killer year and found herself in Red Bull’s top 15 mixes of the year. Also on board for the evening is Synergetix, a new live act from Connor from Cutting Room and Fletcher from Nullstaat.



Speaking of Europe residing Aussie’s returning home, on Saturday one of Melbourne’s most beloved DJ/producers is popping into Lucid at Lounge: Tornado Wallace. After making his name running the C’Grade parties alongside Otologic, Wallace has kept busy playing around Europe and releasing music. In fact he released a new EP on Animals Dancing a couple of weeks ago, called…EP For Animals Dancing. What a joker eh? It’s very good though, forgot the chill of his debut album back in January, this is dank dancefloor business. Get down to Lounge and catch him alongside Awesome Wales, DC, Seb Marcu, Juicy Romance and residents 6AM AT THE GARAGE.