Debra Batton & Catherine Magill – She Knows Too Much

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Debra Batton & Catherine Magill – She Knows Too Much


Despite having frequented The Butterfly Club with their endearing tirades, the ladies are disenchanting. Either their catastrophic brand of humour elicits laughs or none whatsoever. This problem stirs from basing their performance on pure relation.

“Do you know how hard it is to love a teenager who’s not your own?” exclaimed Batton, detailing the hardships of babysitting Magill’s teenager. Though this rhetoric question is comedic, their satirized frustrations are hard for a 21-year-old with no children, who currently lives at home with their parents, to empathise with. This would explain why my mother, who accompanied me, found the show more amusing than I.

Magill and Batton have to be commended for creating an average debut, accompanied with the fact that many of their jokes were impromptu. Regardless, She Knows Too Much was insipid and directionless; a show more suited to a older woman with life experience. 

