Frank Woodley and Simon Yates – Inside

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Frank Woodley and Simon Yates – Inside


Yates and Woodley play Viktor and Vissilli Russian twin brothers who are imprisoned in a small cage, subject to all kinds of experiments. One will be tortured to death and the other pampered with all the luxuries they can desire. It can be heartbreaking seeing their failed attempts at escape, and the twisted and creepy wardens (their voices reminiscent of Salad Fingers) who strip them of all dignity. This nightmarish concept is balanced by the bond between the brothers who share unrelenting support, strength and loads of physical affection.

Designer Anna Cordingley does an exceptional job with the minimalist set – an open cage that offers a good mounting surface for the occasional backflip. The pair makes good use of the space at The Famous Spiegeltent, but show does feel physically restrained, considering what Yates and Woodley are capable of.

The story itself is rather accomplished, there’s plenty of brilliance in their performance and the plot is multi-layered. Yates plays the strong, protective brother and Woodley the dopey, loveable one. But some of the jokes fell flat and the musical interludes seemed out of place. Perhaps it’s intentional, but it’s more likely you’ll leave confused and unsettled rather than in awe.