David O’Doherty: Looking Up

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David O’Doherty: Looking Up


The majority of David’s “jokes”, rather than being jokes at all, were all very much surrounded around the difficulties of life that greet us every day – something that we can definitely all relate to. Yet, like the professional that he is, he was able to put an immaculate spin on each of his woes and turn those frowns upside down.

Prior to going into his show, I was only familiar with his singing comedy. I even remember turning around and saying to my friend, “Surely he can’t sing scenarios for an hour straight?” And I was right. Integrating both stand-up and sit-down comedy, David took the audience on a journey through the heartaches and triumphs of his past year – mini keyboard and all, and just why the saying “Life’s too short” makes no sense whatsoever.

His opening song about life, fittingly titled Life, was the ultimate introduction to his show, and perfectly prepared the audience for just what was to come for the remainder of his hour-long set. Well, prepare them as much as he possibly could. David hilariously sang about just how tough things can get at the best of times, like a recent break-up with his “dog-faced” (again – his words, not mine) ex-partner at the end of last year and the disillusions of romance, or his ordeal with trying to hunt down the world’s smallest mouse in his sitting room by calling the only pest control guy that was around on December 26. And yep, he even turned to singing fragments from Cosmopolitan’s 1001 Greatest Sex Tips handbook – sidenote, apparently treating your boyfriend’s man parts as a ring toss as you throw homemade onion rings around it is one of the greatest sex tips. Ladies…?

But no matter the heartache that he felt towards the latter end of last year, a few giant “screw you-s” through song was enough to get the Dublin comedian the ample material that he required to put on a performance like none other.

If you enjoy a good laugh whilst simultaneously giving the world the middle finger through song, then this show is definitely the one that you need to see.
