Clairy Brown

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Clairy Brown


Could you tell us about your new release Pool and what it’s all about? Pool is my debut solo album. I wrote and recorded it in LA. I was heavily influenced by California and all its beautiful trappings.  I was listening to a lot of DJ Mustard, Drake, Michael Jackson, Beyonce,  Ariana Grande and Robyn  at the time so you can definitely hear those influences in there. I had just come out of a solid few years of making a different style of music and working with a band so it was like coming out of a chrysalis and creating something different while also finding my voice as a solo artist. I’m really proud of this record.  It has pop disco feels, super club pop bangers, urban moments, and a bit of R&B flavour.  Its summertime-calypso-poolside-party-cocktails melted-ice-honey-skin-hot girls-Palmtrees-tequila  meets disco-neonlit-stripclub-on-sunset.

For someone that’s worked with bands previously, what are the key differences in doing things as a solo artist? Change is always very real. I work to embrace it daily. It’s exciting and liberating to go out on your own but it’s also super exposing and can leave you pretty vulnerable because it’s all on you. I’d say the biggest difference is trusting your own artistry as its own thing and not comprised as an element of a conglomerate.  I love collaboration, I thrive on it. Doing the  solo thing though is about balancing collaboration with making stuff on your own, it’s been about learning how, when and where to channel your energy.

Do you think it’s harder for women to succeed in music, given the male-dominated aspect of the industry? Well Yeah. Misogyny and the dominant paradigm are very much alive and well in the industry. It’s everywhere. I do see many powerful female voices coming through though, which is super inspiring for all of us.

When you aren’t making music, what else do you get up to? I’m a bit of a homebody, I like writing, reading and cooking. I’m also super into nature, plants and trees, so I get my fix whenever possible. I work out and go to the ocean as much as I can.

If you could play a dream gig with any three artists, living or dead, who would they be and why? Rihanna . For all the obvious reasons. She’s dope. Effortlessly cool and so much character in her performance.  Madonna. Because she’s the Queen of Bad.Nicki Minaj . Because this show needs the baddest bitch in hip hop on its bill. Love her so hard. Some of the best verses ever written and spat.