Cherry Bar are hosting a fundraiser concert for local legend Dave Red Whip

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Cherry Bar are hosting a fundraiser concert for local legend Dave Red Whip

Words by Staff Writer

Perhaps you know Dave Red, Redro, Redriguez Whip?

Singer, guitar player, songwriter, DJ and live sound engineer that mixed 5,000 bands at Cherry Bar in Melbourne from 2009 to 2017.

A recording engineer and producer that recorded, and mixed records for Stiff Richards, Spawn, Watty Thompson and many others! And you may have stood shoulder to shoulder at one of many shows he has attended in over 30 years of gigs.

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Well, the poor guy got diagnosed with cancer in March 2021 and has been working on getting rid of it ever since. Even though Red has been aided by our government’s benevolent health system, he has been struggling with fatigue and medications, and Red has had to lower his workload.

This man has contributed all he can to Melbourne music and needs financial assistance to keep a roof over his head and to get healthy once again, so that he can keep mixing, creating, and serving the artists, and punters of the great Port Phillip Bay music scene. When you find yourself in a real pickle, It’s good to know you’ve got friends who have your back.

So, on November 3, starting early at 7pm Cherry Bar are hosting Shannon Bourne – Chris Wilson’s side man for many years and also a member of Don Walker and The Suave Fucks.

Plus, Matt Black’s Continental Snarl, an original fireball. Red has enjoyed mixing his shows, sharing his company and admiring his guitar wizardry. Then, the man himself – Redro & The Inner Demons. Red’s musical brothers Mike Findlay, Neil Wilkinson and Tarek Smallman have stood by him through good and bad times.

Then, Gazillion Angry Mexicans, who grow in power and stature. Heavier than ever and are starting to make a dent overseas, these boys are a great addition to the line-up. Finally, Dave Larkin Band (from Dallas Crane) and Spawn, the amazing brain-swirling psychedelic collective.

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