Chatting musical influences with The Crookeds

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Chatting musical influences with The Crookeds


Jeff Buckley Words cannot describe how good this man was with music and with his voice. Great inspiration.

Led Zeppelin Can’t really be in a rock’n’roll band if you don’t love these guys right? From the guitar to the drums and all the way into the highest of high notes from Robbert Plant. Never get enough.

Sticky Fingers Great band, absolutely killing it at the moment. We listen to these guys all the time. Their music suits any situation.

Opeth Three out of four of us would call this band our favourite of all time. Listen every day. They’re heavy death metal but have beautiful clean sections and progressive songs that last ten minutes plus. 

Neon Queen Alright we might know these guys but seriously they’ll change a life. One of the best upcoming bands in Melbourne. From a vocal range that makes your soul shake and catchy, poppy tunes that bring the house down. Wouldn’t miss em.