Cameron Avery : Ripe Dreams, Pipe Dreams

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Cameron Avery : Ripe Dreams, Pipe Dreams


Like any musician breaking away from a band into the solo abyss, shaking the preconceptions and ideals of what came before can be a testing exercise. Nonetheless, Tame Impala’s Cameron Avery first solo effort is such a departure from the psych futurism embodying Kevin Parker’s creative behemoth that allowing prejudice to weigh you down could be rendered rebellious.

This album doesn’t lend to in-band severance, confusion or anything of the sort – it’s a measure of personal fulfilment and a tenacity to humour music that’s always been at the core of Avery’s existence. An album title strewn with sentiment and sincerity paves way for the most significant and sophisticated track on the album.

A Time and Place involves collaborations with revered American guitarist Benji Lysaght, drummer Jay Bellerose as well as The Growl’s Marc Earley and MGMT’s James Richardson. The most concerted piece on the LP is a poignant tale of dispelling irreverent myths caught up in a quest for love. You can picture Patrick Swayze in Dance With Me while Disposable is a contagious narrative about not settling. Recorded over two and a half years, Ripe Dreams, Pipe Dreams is a fuel for rumination – poised to heighten as it ages.

By Tom Parker