Callum Straford: Nails Everything

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Callum Straford: Nails Everything

This event is part of the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

In this night of breathtaking flawlessness, Callum Straford will nail everything.

This is a show like no other. Because, baby, this show is perfect. In 2023, Melbourne perfectionist Callum Straford is ready to transcend his flaws. After reading one chapter of Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, Callum is ready to present and enter the “doorway into enlightenment” in front of our very eyes. Through sketch, song and stand-up, Nails Everything is a show for those among you who are ready to embrace The Power of Now and live a perfect life.

After a stunning season in the 2022 Melbourne Fringe, Callum Straford Nails Everything will soar to even greater heights of untouchable perfection in the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Come and witness history.