Buŋgul: Dr Gurrumul Yunupiŋu’s seminal album brought to life at Arts Centre Melbourne

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Buŋgul: Dr Gurrumul Yunupiŋu’s seminal album brought to life at Arts Centre Melbourne


Djarimirri will be performed live with the MSO as part of RISING.

As part of RISING festival this year, return to Dr Gurrumul Yunupiŋu’s seminal album Djarimirri
(Children of the Rainbow), a record that has defined Australian music since it’s posthumous release in April 2018. Now, almost five years later, the album is being performed live at Hamer Hall, Naarm/Melbourne from June 14 to 15.

Dr Gurrumul Yunupiŋu’s Buŋgul

  • Djarimirri (Children of the Rainbow live in full)
  • Yolgnu dancers and songmen + MSO
  • Hamer Hall, June 14-15 for RISING

Keep up with the latest music news, festivals, interviews and reviews here.

Gurrumul’s music transcends his life by bringing together Western music, and his Yolŋu family’s musical traditions, acting as mediator between the two traditions of Australian art. That being said, the music alone tells one story, where so much more is said through dance, painting and ancestral story.

The show Buŋgul, carefully curated by the Yolŋu, brings together songlines and deep poetic language to tell the story at it’s fullest. A Buŋgul is a ceremony, a meeting place for dance, song and ritual. This show will be a ceremonial celebration of the transcendent record and the legacy it leaves.

Created on Country in Arhnem Land with the support of the Yunupiŋu family, the work was directed by Senior Yolŋu man Don Wininba Ganambarr and Nigel Jamieson

The performance will include hypnotic Yolgnu dancers and songmen, with the backing of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. 

This moving recreation and elevation of Gurrumul’s music and story will be playing at Hamer Hall as part of RISING from 14 to 15 June in Naarm/Melbourne. Grab your tickets here.