The simply titled EP is 20 minutes of dazzling indie rock.
On their latest EP, Body Type cater to the tenuous millennial attention span with 20 minutes of dazzling, perfectly crafted indie rock.
Picking up where the band’s 2018 debut EP left off, EP2 opens with the driving guitars and rousing hook of ‘Stingray’. With vocal duties shared between Sophie McComish and Annabel Blackman, there’s two distinct moods to Body Type, with McComish leading the more urgent tracks while Blackman’s languid vocals accentuate the EP’s sprawling moments.
It is, however, when the two vocalists join in harmony that the most memorable moments are born, with ‘UMA’ in particular serving as a standout track. There’s certainly more introspection this time, with ‘Free To Air’ serving as one of the more reflective moments of the band’s discography.
‘Insomnia’ is similarly impactful, weaving an enchanting spell as McComish sings of tender moments under the sheets. It’s clear the band’s constant touring has paid off – the result being a tighter, more cohesive unit that now feels unstoppable.