Beat’s Burgers of Melbourne: Sonny’s Fried Chicken & Burgers at the John Curtin Hotel

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Beat’s Burgers of Melbourne: Sonny’s Fried Chicken & Burgers at the John Curtin Hotel


Tell us about Sonny’s. Sonny’s Fried Chicken & Burgers is every chicken joint I’ve ever wanted to open up. I’ve spent a lot of my time in fried chicken joints in the US and I’ve forever wanted to open up one of my own.

Is Sonny’s making the impact you envisioned? How so? Sonny’s has been so much busier than I ever expected. I always knew it was going to do well, but we have barely advertised and we have been packed.

What’s a Sonny’s moment you will always cherish? We are located within the legendary Curtin bandroom, so that time when Sonny from Sonny and the Sunsets was eating a Sonny’s burger.

What is the most ordered burger? Sonny’s Burger.

The biggest burger sin is… No pickles. I just don’t get that.
