Beat’s Burgers of Melbourne: Burger Boys

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Beat’s Burgers of Melbourne: Burger Boys


What are you most proud of at Burger Boys? The quality of our food has always been paramount to our success, and staying away from gimmicks like burger challenges and crazy big burgers with 20 patties. We’re proud of our high-quality and simplistic approach to cooking. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel.

Share with us some exciting Burger Boys news. We’ve just teamed up with a brand new bar called Saving Grace in the legal district of Melbourne. We’ve taken up a residency in their kitchen serving lunch and dinner five days a week, Monday to Friday. That end of the city is severely lacking in decent bars so we’re very excited to be partnered with such a strong new offering.

The biggest burger sin is… Not treating your meat right. So many burger places get it so wrong. The beef should be ground fresh every single day, seasoned just before cooking and have the optimum fat content. We try and treat our beef like a nice steak: anything past medium and you start to lose flavour and moisture.

Do you accept complicated orders? What’s the craziest order you have received and made? We allow pretty much any modification to the menu that the customer can think of. That being said, we’ve worked long and hard trying to balance the flavours and textures in each burger, so a heavily customer modified burger often doesn’t turn out great. We once sold four triple patty burgers and two baskets of fried chicken to one guy. RIP heart.