AIR Indie-Con: Your guide to Australia’s essential independent music conference

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AIR Indie-Con: Your guide to Australia’s essential independent music conference

AIR Indie Con
words by Dhika Maheswara

Australia’s leading independent music conference Indie-Con Australia, is kicking off at the Mercury Cinema Adelaide from July 31 to August 2.

It’s a wonderful time to be an indie musician in Australia, as the South Australian Government’s Music Development Office has worked with the Australian Independent Record Association to present this year’s Indie-Con at the Mercury Cinema, Adelaide from 31 July to 2 August.

The program will welcome a great assembly of international and domestic speakers who will discuss challenges and opportunities faced by Australian independent labels and the music industry.

Indie-Con Australia 2024

  • Mercury Cinema, Adelaide
  • Wed 31 July to Fri 2 August
  • Tickets HERE. 

Stay up to date with what’s happening in and around Melbourne here.

Indie-Con Australia 2024 International Speakers

  • Lisa Hresko – General Manager, A2IM (US)
  • Ellie Rumbold -Director of International at Partisan Records (GER)
  • Dona Inthaxoum – Head of Music
    Label Partnerships APAC at META (SG)
  • Jim Romeo – founder of Ground Control Touring (US)
  • Emmy Feldman – Head of A&R, Heavy Duty Music Publishing (US)
  • Stuart Kennedy – ATC Live (UK)
  • Marcus Rowland – General Manager, Outdustry (CN)
  • Pippa Ryan-Kidd – Chairperson, IMNZ (NZ)
  • Dylan Pellett – General Manager IMNZ (NZ).

With three days of conference programming, this year’s Indie-Con will feature 18 sessions with a mix of panels and workshops, over 80 speakers featuring global music industry experts, label representatives, independent artists and journalists, and representatives from over 50 different companies. The following is a list of the program highlights and the speakers who will be presenting them.

How do labels create social change?

  • Wednesday 31 July
  • 3.05pm – 3.45pm

Moderated by Laura Harper, this intriguing event will provide heaps of valuable music industry tea from speakers Music In Exile, Chapter Music, Wantok Musik, Blak Label Music, and House of Valerie Joan. It’s the perfect event for those of you who want to learn more about the ins and outs of the music business, straight from the higher-ups who run it!

Navigating life online presented by Ash King (Support Act)

  • Wednesday 31 July
  • 4:15pm – 5pm

Just like in real life, being online has its ups and downs especially if you are an artist in this day and age. Moderator Ash King will lead artists Tania Doko, Tilly Tjala Thomas and Jack Bergin in providing a helpful guide to how you can deal with the overwhelming glooms of social media and surfing the Internet healthily.

New opportunities for the independent sector

  • Thursday 1 August
  • 4.15pm – 5pm

On the second day, Xelon Entertainment, Future Classic, Spotify, Merlin and Secretly will be presenting an exciting program on how artists can make the best out of being independent at the current moment. Moderated by Blake Rayner, this event is the perfect window to get fresh knowledge and tips on how you can make it to the big stage.

Green Music Australia presentation


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  • Thursday 1 August
  • 2.40pm – 3.05pm

As a major pioneer in sustaining Australian music, Green Music Australia’s role organises everything musicians and the industry need to improve our environmental performance, from energy use to packaging and waste to transport. Representatives Luke Logemann and Emma Bosworth are hoping to extend Green Music Australia’s leadership and influence by educating audiences even more about their vision at this year’s Indie-Con.

AI – Is it a threat or an opportunity

  • Thursday 1 August
  • 11.45pm – 12.30pm

With Artificial Technology becoming a major talking point in all the forums and podcasts nowadays, education on its future impact on our music culture is a much-needed conversation. Here comes APRA, Partisan Records, Downtown, and Heavy Duty to the rescue in discussing the potential dangers, as well as the good things that can come with the concept of AI.

Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers: An Album Case Study

  • Thursday 1 August
  • 2pm – 2.30pm

With a huge success from their 2023 debut album I Love You, a supporting gig for the Foo Fighters and an Australian tour to kick at the end of July, Teen Jesus is at the peak of their careers right now. Representatives from Unified, The Annex, Spotify and Super Duper PR will be speaking about all the nuts and bolts of their excellent album on the second day of the event!

Creating Content – How to Get Seen and Heard

  • Friday 2 August
  • 10:30 – 11:05am

Glenn Dickie from Sounds Australia moderates a panel featuring Reggie Ba-Pe (AWZA), Dona Inthaxoum (Meta, SP), Josh Pyke (PPCA, Artist) and Sarah Hamilton (Golden Hour).

Unearthed Interview, Labels Map Presentation

  • Friday 2 August
  • 11:05 – 11:40am

Kate Lawrence (Unified) speaks with Tommy Faith, the executive producer of triple j Unearthed and expert on the local talent coming out of Australia at the moment.

Tickets are available here, with discounted prices for AIR members. AIR’s Indie-Con Australia is held in conjunction with its annual invite-only AIR Awards on August 1. To find out more about AIR membership click here.

This article was made in partnership with AIR.