Abbotsford Convent’s Midsumma Festival 2023: Stranger Than Usual

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Abbotsford Convent’s Midsumma Festival 2023: Stranger Than Usual

Australia’s beloved annual premier queer festival is back!
Get involved in an explosion of diverse events that will push boundaries and minds centring around hidden and mainstream queer culture. Featuring local, interstate, and international artists, you’re sure to find something that inspires this January and February across a range of free and ticketed events.

Asphyxia is a Deaf artist living with a chronic illness, which is the focus of her musical performance, Stranger Than Usual. The performance provides an insight to Asphyxia’s experience being Deaf, queer, chronically ill and needing to use a wheelchair. With songs written by Asphyxia and a live band featuring Sarah Ward and Bec Matthews, it’s presented in Auslan and English with projection art, vibrations and captioning.

Despite being Deaf, Asphyxia began writing her own music. Navigating the challenges of learning musical conventions in a world that relies on listening, Asphyxia collaborated with musicians to find a way to make music accessible to people who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Asphyxia has created a method of arranging music so that it’s pleasurable for hearing-aid wears and can be optimally felt through sound vibrations.

2 — 4 February, 8pm

North Magdalen Laundry

Full $28
Concession $18