There’s a big BBQ happening in Fed Square with smoke, dance, DJs, art, and delicious First Nations food

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There’s a big BBQ happening in Fed Square with smoke, dance, DJs, art, and delicious First Nations food

Fed Square
Words by Staff Writer

COOKED: Seasoning the Grill ignites Fed Square with First Nations BBQ and art for Melbourne Fringe.

Fed Square is set to sizzle on 1 October as the “oldest continuously grilling culture” lights up the BBQ for COOKED: Seasoning the Grill.

This vibrant, communal event is the opening for the 2024 Melbourne Fringe Festival, offering a night filled with smoke, dance, DJs, art, and delicious food. Curated by Peta Duncan and created by Long Prawn, this unique celebration invites everyone to come together and experience the joy of First Nations-led performance art and cuisine.

COOKED: Seasoning the Grill

  • 01 October – Fed Square, Melbourne
  • More info here

Stay up to date with what’s happening in and around Melbourne here.

The COOKED public BBQ space, designed by Mikhail Savin Rodrick Projects and Long Prawn with BBQ by Mike Hewson, will serve as the backdrop for this unforgettable evening. Attendees can enjoy the event at their own pace, with the festivities running from 5:00pm to 11:00pm.

Open to the public with free entry, COOKED is accessible to all, with cheap food and drinks available. The event is wheelchair accessible, with additional accommodations for those with low vision, hearing impairments, and non-English speakers.

COOKED has been made possible with Principal Partner support from the Naomi Milgrom Foundation and received funding through the Fringe Fund’s Cash to Create initiative.

Join the celebration at Fed Square for a night of smoke, dance, art, and flavourful First Nations BBQ. Find out more here.