Phife Dawg & Ali Cancel Australian Tour

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Phife Dawg & Ali Cancel Australian Tour


The November tour for the two Tribe Called Quest members, Phife and Ali has been cancelled due to a dodgy agent.

Ali Shaheed and Phife (pictured above from left to right with Shaheed and Phife then Roots, Jarobi, Q-Tip) are not coming to Australia as planned for their November tour.

The Australian promoter David Barret sent out an extensive explanation of the events that resulted in the tour falling through.

Basically, an agent who alleged that he was acting on behalf of Phife and Ali booked the tour on behalf of the pair and made off with the venue and promoter deposits. The name of the dodgy agent is James Richardson of Abstrakt Visions Entertainment. Barret stated in a press release that when he was made aware of the fraudulence he did what he could to make the tour happen anyway but he was unsuccessful. If you have bought tickets for the event please return them to the point of purchase for a full refund.