There Will Be No Intermission, the newest offering from punk cabaret and DIY icon Amanda Palmer, is the kind of album that feels like it has been coming for a whole lifetime.
For an artist that has made a name for herself by being as open and earnest as she can be, with both her audience and the world at large, somehow this album feels more naked and raw than anything she’s released prior.
It’s bold, intimate, uncomfortably stark yet overwhelmingly rich; the kind of album with the careful consideration of a final swansong, though There Will Be No Intermission feels much more like a triumphant rebirth than any kind of last goodbye.
The Bill Hicks inspired ‘The Ride’ is the first of many bold moves; a near 11-minute piano ballad lamenting on the existential terror caused by simply surviving in this day and age.
Lead single ‘Drowning In The Sound’ is a perfect balance between the Who Killed Amanda Palmerdays and this new reimagination of what that name means, delivering her own brand of synth pop swagger in the chorus with hauntingly unsettling falsetto stabs giving the whole production an almost horror film finish.
And that’s just the beginning, honestly. If it sounds like your bag, buy the ticket and take the ride.