Michael Hing – An Open Letter To Rich White People Concerning Their Role In The Downfall Of Civilisation

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Michael Hing – An Open Letter To Rich White People Concerning Their Role In The Downfall Of Civilisation


Firstly, awesome title. If you find the title racist, that says more about you than Michael Hing. The Sydney comedian doesn’t spend the whole show discussing the theme, though, as he shares plenty of entertaining stories about the sheer contrast between his full-time nerdiness and dalliances with rebellion.

There are flashes of brilliance in Hing’s show where he delves passionately into racial prejudice, but it’s a little annoying when he finds the need to justify his statements for fear of coming across as a reverse racist (there’s no need). Hing talks about growing up in The Shire in Sydney and it’s hilarious; however, teasing his immature activities as a teenager has a mixed reception. In hindsight, it was good that he emphasised the absurdity of homophobia and fat phobia by relating his regrettable past, but there was the occasional cringe while he recalled his history of teenage idiocy and youthful ignorance. Tough topics, admittedly, and Hing still pulled it off somehow.

Hing is jovial, clever and endearingly nerdy, but he’s at his best when he’s angry and ought to be unapologetic about it.