60 Seconds With… The Timbers

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60 Seconds With… The Timbers


Well hello! Who am I speaking with and what do you do in the band? 

Joe Murphy (banjo, guitar, percussion and vocals). I am one of the three songwriters for the band. 

Using three words, how would you describe The Timbers’ typical live show? 

Energetic power folk!

Would you rather play any instrument in the world naturally but be unable to write creative lyrics, or write the most beautiful lyrics in the world but be unable to play any instrument? 

I think I’d have to be able to play any instrument in the world. Playing musical instruments has always been my biggest passion. Although I do love to write lyrics, I’m a musician first and always.

What did you get up to between the release of your first singles and EPs and the recent release of your debut full length album, Lawless? 

We pretty much toured non-stop playing festivals and shows all over south-eastern Australia. We managed to continue to write music over that time and prepare the songs for Lawless while at the same time gathering fans in many different states.

What can fans expect from your upcoming gigs in Melbourne?

 The Timbers live shows are action-packed affairs with a lot of dancing! Melbourne fans can expect much the same. We will be packing our show with a lot of songs off Lawless with a few newbies thrown in.

THE TIMBERS play The Nelson Hotel, Boney and The Newport Bowls Club this weekend in support of debut record Lawless