60 Seconds With… The Ovals

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60 Seconds With… The Ovals


Define your genre in five words or less: Philosophical Psychedelic Holst orientated asteroid

So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?
“Is it possible for Fascism to re-emerge?” said Jefferey. “Why so?” replied his friend at the bar. Jefferey replied, “Because I feel the need to stamp out mediocrity. I’ve felt recently after One Direction visited our shores, that perhaps Australian society is sliding on an ‘ill’ course because people are just willing to accept rather than to ‘do’.”

“Interesting statement,” said his friend.

“One must also build and not just tear down, however,” Jefferey then replied.

“This is true.  Let us then uphold The Ovals for praise!”

“Agreed,” replied Jefferey’s friend.

“The I’s have it”.  They drank merrily and with much fervent celebration for the remainder of the Eve. 

When’s the gig and with who?
Good question. It’s at Cherry Bar Friday April 27 to launch our brand new single Beneath the Wheel, named after a fantastic Hesse book. The sublime Pony Face will be supporting, and the very slippery like Flyying Colours will be opening the night in a tremendous psychedelic fashion one would suggest.   

How do you stop your pre-gig jitters?
We recall stories with solid and virtuous lessons – such as the battle between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick. Ahab placed within Moby Dick a notion of evil as if the evil qualities were inherit in the beast itself, which is absurd. Nothing is inherently evil. So this teaches us that we are not ‘bad’ human beings, hence freeing us up to go about our business in whatever loose fashion we choose.

Anything else to add?