60 Seconds With… The Molting Vultures

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60 Seconds With… The Molting Vultures


What’s your name then? Oh. And the name of your band…

Nick from The Molting Vultures from Adelaide.

And what do you do?

We play loud fuzzy tunes that get people shaking body parts.

When did you start doing that?

2004. 10 years ago.

Why did you start doing that?

For fun. The MV’s motto has always been to make sure we’re having fun and the audience is having fun.  Otherwise, what’s the point?

Do you think you’re good at doing that?

Most of the time, we go ok. The crowd reaction usually gives us an idea. For the past few years that has generally been pretty good.

If you weren’t doing that, what would you be doing?

Probably just going out and watching other bands a lot – which we all still do anyway.  We’re not one of those bands where the members forget how to be punters just because we’re in a band now.

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

Seeing people dancing/moshing/singing our songs back at us – just enjoying themselves.

And what makes you unhappiest about what you’re doing?

Nothing really – it’s all good. This doesn’t earn us a living (forget that one kids, if you’re going to start a band). So if it makes you unhappy, stop it and just go and watch other bands.

What’s you proudest moment of doing what you do?

There’re a few. Playing together for 10 years now is an achievement and one we intend to celebrate on this trip to Melbourne. Every time we finish a new album, it’s a proud moment. And also probably supporting great bands that influenced our sounds like Radio Birdman, Lime Spiders and The Buzzcocks. 

And your least proud?

The least proud is always the hangovers the next day. Still worth it though – every time.

When are you doing your thing next?

So we are playing our 10th year parties in Melbourne at the Public Bar on Friday October 3 with the Stoneage Hearts and The Interceptors and then Tago Mago on Saturday October 4 with Little Murders and Wrong Turn. Come party Melbourne!


THE MOLTING VULTURES play at the Public Bar on Friday October 3 and Tago Mago Saturday October 4.