60 Seconds With… Red Light Riot

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60 Seconds With… Red Light Riot


Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Kris Riot, the front woman and I bring lots of screams, my favourite thing.

Ed Jones, lead guitar. I bring deadpan humour and the occasional takeaway kebab.

Nina, I’m our guitarist and have earned the role of smashing shit up at our gigs i.e. our equipment, myself, whatever you can throw at me. Ben; I bring low-slung fuzzy sub goodness. I’m Ingrid, and I bring the phat beats.

Using just three words, describe what makes your sound unique to other?

Aussie punk rock bands.


If you were to give readers and new listeners one reason to come see one of your live shows, what would that be?

Our live performance is high energy and every song has a unique meaning and life of its own. 

What can gig-goers expect from your upcoming show at Yah Yah’s with Strawberry Fist-Cake and Messed Up on October 3?

A messed up strawberry fist in the riots. 

What’s next on the cards for Red Light Riot?

Interstate tours, video clip release, and getting back to the studio to work on another EP. In the meantime, check out our debut EP High Society at redlightriot.bandcamp.com.

RED LIGHT RIOT play at Yah Yah’s with Strawberry Fist-Cake and Messed Up Friday October 3. $13 entry at the door.