60 Seconds With… Scaramouche

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60 Seconds With… Scaramouche


Define your genre in five words or less:

Classic psychedelic swagger rock.

Bearing the terrible clichéd nature of this question, what do you reckon people will say you sound like?

We often get told that we sound like Led Zeppelin, but I think our music is more of a mix of classic and modern rock styles. We have all listened extensively to so much music from the last number of decades, old Chicago blues, grunge, punk and a bunch of new stuff, and I think that a lot of those influences are reflected in our songwriting and our live show.javascript:mctmp(0);

What do you love about making music?

It’s such an amazing feeling when people are moved by music that we make, whether they’re dancing or rocking out and having a good time, or if there is a song that might trigger a particular emotional response from a listener. I love the buzz you get from playing a live show and when someone has a really enthusiastic response or congratulates us it gets even better. We’ve been doing a lot of busking on our current tour and it’s a great feeling even when passer-bys on the street stop and get into it.

What can a punter expect from your live show?

Our live show is generally an intense sweaty rock experience that also has a feel-good party vibe. Our singer is really engaging and has an ability to make punters feel like they are part of the show which is important, plus he’s a pretty funny bastard. At the moment we’re focused on making our sets a very cool visual experience also, so there’s a lot of colour and action which complements the feel and sound of our music.

What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?

We’ve got two EPs out – the most recent one Welcome To The Parlour was released at Cherry Bar late last year. We were stoked to have such a successful launch there because that was one of the places we had dreamed of playing when we first moved to Melbourne. Anyway we’re aiming to have a new release out by the end of the year, so we’ll be back on the road again for that.

When’s the gig and with who?

We’re in the middle of our biggest tour yet right now. We’re playing about 20 shows up and down the East Coast this month, from western Victoria to Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Our next Melbourne show is Friday July 19 at Penny Black in Brunswick with Since We Kissed and Lepers and Crooks. Both those bands are fantastic and it’s free entry, so it’s gonna be a really fun night.