60 Seconds With…River Blue

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60 Seconds With…River Blue


Tell us a bit about what you do as River Blue?

River Blue is a musical outlet that I have been searching out for many a year, and now it’s here.

Would it be safe to say you were only going to start River Blue if you were going to do it perfectly?

The collection of songs that I recorded for the EP is already two years old for me. I made sure I gave myself enough time to write, change and continuously listen to these songs without them aging on me quickly.


What led to the change from solo folk music to a more rock oriented sound?

I’ve always listened to stripped back folk as well as big rock bands, so trying to blend the two was something I was focusing on during writing. The solo format still incorporated this underlying idea of trying to make it sound bigger than it actually was, out of natural progression it lead to a more traditional band set up that can cater to both.


Would it be right to say that your Americana interests are driven by more than the music?

I think most musicians draw influences from more than just music and for me at the time of writing Iron Rivers and the whole EP I was really intrigued by the romantic and nostalgic traveller culture, it might not be as explicit in other songs as it is on Iron Rivers.