60 Seconds With…Odie Ida

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60 Seconds With…Odie Ida


Hi Maddie. What is it you do in Odie Ida?

Biddy and I both write and sing, and then between the two of us we play violin, ukulele, cello and cavaquinho. We also dabble in some body percussion.

You and Biddy are cousins. Do you guys have a strong musical history together? Where did it all start?

Our parents are musicians and taught us to sing in harmony from very young, and we were also inspired by our uncles – Mark and Nick Seymour – who are heavily involved in the music industry. We grew up on opposite sides of Victoria, but every Christmas was spent jamming together.

You’re saying farewell at the same time as launching your EP, a seemingly bittersweet way to say goodbye. Why are these two events coinciding?

It won’t be goodbye forever, just goodbye for now. Biddy’s moving to New York and I’ll be jetsetting around the globe for a while. Gotta finish with a bang.

Your band has an extensive range of instruments. Which ones are most crucial to your music as art pop musicians?

The combination of our voices. When we first listened back to the recordings, we couldn’t tell our voices apart. That’s what happens when you sing with someone who shares your genetic material, and you spend a lot of time together.

Have you got any special surprises ready for the EP launch at the Grace Darling?

Biddy’s written a new song – an ironic send-off, you might say.