60 Seconds With… Noemi Liba

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60 Seconds With… Noemi Liba



Define your genre in five words or less:

Alternative, exotic, smooth, beats.


Bearing the terribly clichéd nature of this question, what do you reckon people will say you sound like?

I hear all sorts of comments – Portishead, Massive Attack, a ‘cool Diana Krall’, Laurie Anderson, Björk (could be the live strings and horns) even Natasha Atlas, because of Middle Eastern influences!


What can a punter expect from your live show?

Beats, gutsy live strings, beauty and exploration of realms via our audio transporter. We drop you back home at the end.


When’s the gig?

Next Melbourne show is at the Wesley Anne on Thursday May 10, with our all female, rocking, six-piece band.


Do you have any record releases to date?

New album, See, Saw is available at our shows, and in ‘all good record stores’ this month. Our Freefall EPcan be purchasedat shows and online. Both albums are out on iTunes too.


When are you doing your thing next?

Off to the Basement in Sydney later this month, then to Europe, then back to Oz to embark on a national tour. Deep breath.


What’s the strangest place you’ve ever played a gig.

The UN in New York, with 21 musicians of Middle Eastern Descent – long security checks, endless corridors. I am not political, but I felt defiant that music can challenge old grudges. Anyway, it wasn’t your regular gig.


If your music was a chocolate bar, which one would it be, and why?

Definitely Cherry Ripe: rich, intense, not too many ingredients, sexy, somewhat introspective and a private experience in a public space.


How do you balance making and playing music with your other commitments?

Who was it that said, ‘If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space?’