60 Seconds With… Lieutenant Jam

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60 Seconds With… Lieutenant Jam


Define your genre in five words or less:


Where and what time will you be playing at the St Kilda Festival?

Thursday February 6, The Espy, 11pm.

What can a punter expect from your live show?

Anything! Guest musos, ladies’ garments, liquid-fueled antics, dad jokes, lion-taming and the greatest 80s relief teacher dance moves imaginable.

Do you have any record releases to date? What are they? Where can I get them?

Pre-production for our second EP is almost done. We have our own whole day free festival House Party on Wheels from midday on Saturday February 8 with 30+ of Melbourne’s best bands at Bar 291.

Describe the worst gig you have ever played.

One of our first shows at, shall we call it “The T-empress”? We were utterly unprepared but we thought we were more amazing than grace. However, what actually came out was the sound of intoxicated Peruvian blind mice attempting to play Tchaikovsky on pan flutes. It was as bad as milk on a hot day but it taught us a lesson: always be prepared or make sure your audience has drunk red cordial!