60 Seconds With…Glass Empire

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60 Seconds With…Glass Empire


Hello. Who are we talking to and what’s your role in Glass Empire?

G’day, I’m Damo and I hold something vaguely guitar shaped while the pre-recorded track plays.

You guys have recently announced you’re breaking up. What’s the score?

Now that it’s out there, it makes it real and the emotions associated with that start to float around. It’s bittersweet. It’s hard to let go of something we’ve all put so much into, but you have to honour what you’ve done and give it a proper send off.

You’ll be playing a farewell show at the Grace Darling Hotel on Friday May 6. What can fans expect from your final set?

Far too many pinch harmonics from Ben and myself. We’ll be playing nearly all of our songs, plus a Buckley cover.

What’s your fondest memory of being in Glass Empire, and your best live gig to date?

Our first single Clarity. I’ll never forget playing that in the Gersh for Progfest 2012. That was the first time I’d seen a bunch of people I didn’t know belting out our lyrics back at us. I remember turning to Ben afterwards just being like, “What the fuck?”

Anything else?

Get down early on Friday. Doors are at 8pm and the bill is made up of some of our favourite local bands. There’s no stereotypical opener or headliner on this bill. They’ve all the done the rounds and honed what they do. So it’s sure to be a bloody ripper of a night.