60 Seconds With… Decadence Of Cain

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60 Seconds With… Decadence Of Cain


Define your genre in five words or less:

Satan metal punk death fight.


What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?

Our debut album, Thrill Hammer.

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

Win Australian Idol. Fuck yeah!

When are you doing your thing next?

At Bang this Saturday November 17.

Do you have a pre-gig ritual? If so, what is it?

We blow each other.

How do you stop your pre-gig jitters?


What advice would you give to bands that are new on the Melbourne music scene? Go fuck yourself.

If you could go on tour with any musician or band, who would it be?

GG Allin.

Anything else to add?

Fuck you.