60 Seconds With… Ash Davies

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60 Seconds With… Ash Davies


Define your genre in five words or less: alternative instrumental.

Bearing the terrible clichéd nature of this question, what do you reckon people will say you sound like? They have said my new CD Burke and Wills – The Expedition sounds like the dirty three and the bushwackers.

What inspires or has influenced your music the most? Anything that pushes the boundaries.

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing? When I nail my performance with anyone that I’m playing with and when i make a good record.

What part of making music discourages you? When I have to stop making music to eat.

What makes a good musician? Listening!

How do you stop your pre-gig jitters? Right before I go on I listen to AC/DC real loud and play along to it, then take off the headphones and walk on stage.


What can a punter expect from your live show? They will be on a musical journey as part of the Burke and Wills expedition for 55 minutes with visuals (paintings and sketches) from the expedtition – fortunately though, without the dire consequences.

When’s the gig and with who? The gig is at the Caravan Club on Saturday November 16 and the band for the night is Rory Boast, Ashley Davies, Monique DiMattina, Shane Reilly, Matt Walker with special guests Jack Howard and Michelle Lewit. Support is from the Raised by Eagles duo.