60 Seconds With… Animaux

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60 Seconds With… Animaux


So then, what’s the band name and what do you ‘do’ in the band?

The band name is Animaux and I [Sammo Jeffreys] play guitar and sing to myself because I am not allowed a microphone (which is fair enough).


What do you reckon people will say you sound like?

This one is such a hard question for us. A lot of people will liken us to The Cat Empire and The Bamboos because we are a Melbourne band with horns but I don’t think this is really accurate. From some of the older generation I’ve heard that we sound like The Specials, and one of the tracks on our upcoming release definitely has a ska vibe going on, but we are from the reggae-dub grooves that they play. The other track on the release actually has a Jezabels sound about it and our latest composition is very Jamiroquai so there is definitely some variety in what we write and play, which we all enjoy.


What do you love about making music?

I really love the spontaneity that can happen when making music with six other people. The feeling in the room when you take a riff or groove to the group, and then someone else starts playing something or singing something and then other people join in and everyone says ‘Wow! What was that?’ or ‘Yeah, that’s cool!’ is one that never gets old.


What do you hate about the music industry?

Not much to complain about. We’ve had a pretty fun and friendly run so far.


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

Jeff Buckley, for no other reason than I love his songs!


What can a punter expect from your live show?

Some good songs to sing along to, plenty of dancing and some funky slapping on the bass from Will Base.


What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?

We have a four-track EP, which we released in the second half of last year and we have a double A-side coming out in August with some recordings that we are really happy with so far.

When’s the gig and with who?

We have the Monday night residency at the Evelyn Hotel this July with some great support acts.