60 Second With… The Embers

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60 Second With… The Embers


Define your genre in five words or less:

Contemporary roots rock.


So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?

“What the fuck are you doing at the bar? These guys are awesome… grab your drink and come and have a groove with me.”


How long have you been gigging and writing?

The members of the Embers have been kicking it together for around three and a half years.


What has been your favourite gig you’ve played to date?

There have been many but for me personally probably 2015 Falls Festival after party for all staff and volunteers – It was a mad party and the energy was off tap. 


Which band would you most like to have a battle/showdown with?

Kilty our bass player wants to have a drinking competition with Sticky Fingers and I reckon he’s spot on.


What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

A heady combination of love, life and music with a healthy amount of drugs and alcohol thrown in for good measure.


Do you have any record releases to date? What? Where can I get it?

We released our debut long player Bright earlier this year and we love it. You can love it too by getting it personally handed to you at one of our shows or at iTunes, CD Baby or any other reputable electronic distribution platform.


THE EMBERS are travelling up from Tasmania to play at Sooki Lounge, Belgrave on Friday September 4 and Bar Open on Saturday September 5.