60 Second With… Raised By Eagles

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60 Second With… Raised By Eagles


Hello. Who are we speaking with and what’s your band doing at AWME 2015?

You’re speaking with Luke Sinclair from Raised By Eagles. We’re showcasing for AWME at Max Watt’s this year with Henry Wagons, Ruby Boots and Cash Savage.


What do you think is unique about AWME and its role in cultivating Australian music?

I think it’s a unique opportunity to simultaneously promote our music to a broader audience as well as to local and international industry reps. It’s a great chance to reach all the people you always hope to reach when you make an album, because they’re all concentrated into this one event over three days.

What can punters expect from the atmosphere of AWME and from your show?

We’ve never played AWME before so the atmosphere remains a mystery for now, but I’m guessing it’ll be lively and electric, but also warm, honest, and well grounded. Roots music is all of those things and so are the audiences that are drawn to it, so it’s what we’re expecting from AWME.

Who are some artists that we should definitely be catching this year?

We’ve played shows with Cash, Henry Wagons and Ruby Boots before. They’re all great and you should go see them wherever you can. We’re also big fans of Jess Ribeiro, Three Kings, The Meltdown and The Audreys, so we’ll be busy trying to catch all those acts this year.

If a movie was being set in AWME 2015, what would be the plot?

Have you seen The Last Waltz? If not, go find it and watch it right now, then come to AWME with high hopes.

RAISED BY EAGLES are playing Max Watt’s on Friday November 13 with Henry Wagons, Ruby Boots and Cash Savage.