5 Steps Of Songwriting with Taylar Paige

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5 Steps Of Songwriting with Taylar Paige


Emotion. My writing process begins when I make the conscious choice to react to a circumstance in an emotional way – whether that be in anger, joy, sadness, disgust or fear. I’ll either be in love or insane when I’m writing. Mostly insane.

Inspiration. Inspiration is born out of the emotion chosen. Every action has a reaction. When I have acknowledged the emotion that will guide the writing process, the inspiration follows and I begin to experience synchronicity; connecting the emotion to things I experience in every day life. It’s funny how one day something can completely pass you by and the next day the same thing can pass by, but instead of going unnoticed it becomes stimuli for creativity. 

Creative Energy. It’s almost like another entity in the room with me. It’s a beautiful and sometimes overwhelming thing to tap into, especially if you’re in a dark place. This is the guiding light that connects the soul to the creation.

Adrenaline. Once I’ve tapped into that creative energy, emotional and inspired, a rush of adrenaline quickly follows. Every one of my songs is born out of the jam, and adrenaline is what fuels me to spend hours in my home studio layering riff upon riff, experimenting with different melodies.

Creation. When I combine these experiences I am able to solidify my music. It’s a process that both unravels my mind and pieces it back together. For that experience, I’m eternally grateful.