360 : Vintage Modern

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360 : Vintage Modern


‘White Lies’ is a soulful and somewhat cocky track based on 360’s life, career, and women. He confirms that there’s no slowing down for him anytime soon. Comparisons to the Notorious B.I.G and Drake are made before he analyses the positive effects rap has had on his well-documented mental illness.


On ‘Yesterday’, Hein Cooper’s falsetto runs throughout the choruses and the track’s lyrics dabble around the ending of a relationship, and not letting other people’s success bring you down. ‘Trouble’ is one of the key honest points on the record. Referencing current political issues within Australia, the lyrics, ‘The trouble with god is man’ are met with orchestral instrumentation and a choir providing background vocals.


The album closes with ‘Letters’, an analytical ballad about respect. Vintage Modern is a solid record cementing 360’s place in an ever-changing hip hop scene.

