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New show, Wiluminati, what’s craziest conspiracy?

“9/11 I do find completely wacky. Part of the theme of the show – even though I don’t talk about this specific topic – is about the idea of what we believe and the things that we don’t believe. The things that are happening around us every day, and the fact that sometimes we take things as true and they don’t turn out to be true. I remember six months ago somebody was telling me that the government was reading our emails, and I was like, ‘You are a crazy person, get an aluminium hat, did you learn that from Wheel of Fortune?’ And then like six months later, ‘Oh fuck, no the government are reading our emails. Turns out you were right. What do I know?’

“My favourite weird one is definitely the lizard people – that we’re controlled by lizard people, like Jay-Z, Beyoncé and all those guys are in the Illuminati. I read this great article online of Rihanna throwing a rap sign and they were like, ‘That’s the Illuminati sign’ – why would she be doing that in public?

“A lot of people think the Queen’s in the Illuminati and she’s a lizard. She’s old, but I don’t think she’s a lizard. We all believe ridiculous things every day, about our own lives that aren’t true, about ourselves. One of the things I talk about in the show is that we concentrate on attacking the wrong people. For example, there was an article in the paper recently that 85 people control as much wealth as half of the rest of the world. So that’s 85 people versus 3.5 billion people. It was in the paper for one day. One day. That should be in the paper every day. ‘Hey guys, just before we move on to anything else, 85 people have as much stuff as 3.5 billion people’. ‘Oh but someone came in on the boat’ well I don’t give a fuck about the boat! Let’s just find one of those 85 people and take their stuff and then everyone can come in on a boat and we’ll have a massive fucking party. And there’ll only be 84 people, and we’ll have some of that money.

“That’s who we should be worried about that. How the fuck do we get to a world – I’m all for people who can earn their own living, I charge people to come to the show, it’s not called ‘Free Wil’ – but there’s something severely fucked up with the world when 85 people control as much wealth as 3.5 billion people, particularly when some of those people starving and dying because they don’t have enough money. We’re so obsessed with there being big conspiracy theories that we’re not looking at the stuff that’s happening right in front of our eyes that we should be talking about.”

Who crazier: Putin or Kim Jong-un?

“If they were having a Fucked Up Leaders of the World Olympics, Putin might make the podium, at least the finals I’d say,” he laughs. “I think if you were gonna rank them in terms of evil, you still gotta have Kim Jong-un in front of Putin at the moment. The UN recently released a report that compared the crimes of North Korea to the crimes of Hitler and the Nazis. Again, another article in the paper [for one day], and we kind of joke about him because he’s so stupid and he told everybody in his country that he won all the Olympic medals and they all believe him but hundreds of thousands of people are tortured to death…he sent his own uncle to the dogs, and we’re all like, ‘Isn’t that hilarious?’ and just let it go.

“I wonder what would have happened if Hitler was around now. Will we just be making jokes about him on social media and going, ‘Oh he’s a crazy one isn’t he with all his shouting!’

“Kim Jong-un then Putin. Magabe hasn’t done much of late, Magabe’s just consistent, you always know he’s gonna be around the medals.”

Hope enjoy article.