Wavves @ The Corner Hotel

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Wavves @ The Corner Hotel


The support bands for tonight’s gig showcased just how broad the spectrum of garage music has become; the Murlocs with their blues based Nuggets inspired tunes and Sures who favor the marriage of indie pop with ’50s melodies a la The Ravonettes. The diversity of sounds made for enjoyable sets from both up and coming bands and warmed the crowd fittingly for the onslaught of Wavves.

Springing straight into one of their biggest hits, King Of The Beach, Nathan Williams and fellow cohorts wasted no time in getting down to business, and instantly the crowd morphed from shoe shuffling to arm flailing and body slamming. Idiot followed keeping the energy pummeling and ensuring the crowd had no time to rest. Williams shrugged off some female affections directed at him with some trademark Gen Y sarcasm and ploughed into I Wanna Meet Dave Grohl off the Life Sux EP. The band was sounding big and bitey, with Stephen Popes bass sound containing more than enough guts to compete with the two thrashing guitars. The hits from King Of The Beach kept cranking with Take On The World causing anthemic sing alongs; as the early 20s crowd concurred that indeed “To take on the world, would be something.”

Between songs the band was relatively subdued, with Williams only stopping yell at a  ‘meathead’ to ‘back off’ and to drolly tell a crowd member, “I love you too, I want to put my penis in you.” His onstage banter was completely in tune with the apathetic and contemptuous persona his music paints him to be. Bug from the Life Sux EP affirmed Williams’ disdain for most of the human race but as a whole the music of Wavves disguises it’s whinge filled lyrical content underneath a sea of pop sensibilities. The crowd tonight certainly didn’t care if 70% of these songs revolve around Williams complaining about life because they’re infectiously catchy dance floor hits –plus the bands key demographic is mostly likely empathising with Wiiliams every grievance anyway.

Ultimately when it comes down to it Williams has become some kind of indie anti-hero, the voice of a restless and unsatisfied generation. He’s not shy about communicating his opinions, however brash, obnoxious or juvenile they may be and that strikes a chord with the rebellious teenager that resides in most of us. Tonight’s set was full of the unbridled hedonistic energy that has catapulted Wavves to their current state of fame and when Williams hollers the lyrics to closer I’m So Bored at the manic crowd, you know that he really means it.


Photo credit: @beatmagazine

LOVED: Stephen Pope’s mesmerising hair.

HATED: Not being close enough to the stage.

DRANK: Some fruity beer.