Video Premiere: Sugar Teeth unveil ‘Demons’, announce farewell show

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Video Premiere: Sugar Teeth unveil ‘Demons’, announce farewell show


‘Demons’ is the opening track of the debut EP Inner Workings by Sugar Teeth, which was spontaneously crafted the night before they went into the studio. The song is reflective of the internal struggles faced when fighting one’s demons, with themes drawn from the shadows swooping in and out of the mind during dark times. What you hear on the track is the second take of the song ever recorded, raw, reserved, and for the most part, improvised.

While in Los Angeles late last year, the decision was made to create a music video for the song. The concept of an ominous luncheon with six people seated, awaiting the main course was born from director Matthew Goodhue. The vision was captured through the lens of cinematographer Michael Lincoln and the aesthetic eye of production designer Isabella Mack. The result is a video with an unshakable unsettling air about it, which might have something to do with the main course being a human head, garnished and ready to be consumed by the hungry ‘demons’. Bon appétit.

Following the release of the ‘Demons’ music video, Sugar Teeth have both sad news and rad news. After a three year stint of playing shows, making mates and drinking beers, it’s time for Sugar Teeth to say goodbye for a while. Hold back your tears though, before they go they’re putting on one last party to personally say thanks for all the good times.