Tudor Roses

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Tudor Roses


What is your show about?

Tudor Roses is a deliciously dangerous cabaret that explores what it was to be a queen in 16th century England, and how that transforms into being a ‘Yas Queen’ today. Today, nobody needs a king to be queen, or more importantly, to be a Yas Queen. On her path to becoming a monarch of fabulousness, Aubrey Flood has discovered that the tribulations that plagued the queens of 16th century England are still rife in our society today. Tudor Roses pulls back the veil of a history predominantly written by men and dissects how women were and will be remembered.

What motivated you to put this show on?

I have always be fascinated with Tudor history, particularly how the court and the people of England had that hate-but-love-to-watch relationship with the Tudor queens, much like people today have with the Kardashians. The further I researched these women, the more parallels I found between what they went through and what women go through today. We are centuries apart but we still get judged on appearances, children or lack of, age and how men perceive us.

What sets your show apart from others at Fringe?

Its humour, costumes (or lack of) and its audience participation. Also my boobs.

What does your show say about contemporary society?

We have a lot to learn from history and that we aren’t studying hard enough.

Why should someone come to your show?

Because they’ll have fun, laugh a lot and it’s cheaper than a pub meal.

What part of contemporary Australian culture does your show engage with?

The part that watches Beyoncé slay every time she performs and tags their friends in memes every ten minutes.

How does your show challenge audience members? 

Female nipples. And glitter. Glitter can be quite confronting.

Venue: Fringe Hub: Lithuanian Club – Son of Loft

Dates: September 24 – October 1

Times: 10.15pm (Sunday 9.15pm)

Tickets: $12 – $18 
