Tom Lee-Richards

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Tom Lee-Richards


What’s your name and the name of your band?

Tom Lee-Richards, Catch Release


Bearing the terrible clichéd nature of this question, what do you reckon people will say you sound like?

We experiment with some unusual textures in our music, combining Soul and folk influenced melodies with edgier jazz chords and some classical instrumentation. There is a focus on playful and nostalgic lyrics made even more dreamlike as they float around French Horn and clarinet melodies. Others might say Dolphins getting it on.


What has been your favourite gig you have played to date?

Definitely at 303 in Northcote a few months back when we played with the wonderful Richard Jeffrey and Frankie Andrew.

It was the first time we went for a bigger grander sound, and were giving away limited copies of some of the songs to appear on the upcoming album. I loved changing things up on stage dropping from really big to really small within the songs. We were playing with some talented guys too so were all a bit excited and that.


What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

Childhood, family, New Zealand’s musical spin on the world. Some big ideals. That’s just me, but there are multiple nationalities in the band with their own backgrounds and things that they dig.


If you weren’t playing music you would be?

Waiting to play music. Na, probably more in touch with important practical and down to earth concerns of the day rather then off in a dreamland.


What do you hope to achieve with your music?

I want people to be off in a dreamland. I want people to listen to the music in their car when they pull over on the side of the road to make out or perhaps put up a tent. I want to add to people’s belief in climbing trees.


Do you have any record releases to date? What? Where can I get it?

download from


Why should everyone come and see your band?

We will have you smiling. You might not even need a kebab, though let me know if your getting one.


When’s the gig and with who?

This Wednesday the 1st of June-tonight yes? Northcote social club supported by James Hart, Lucy Jean Roleff and Dan Waters.

It’s a single Launch right:) you can pick up a copy of the single. The album is on the way.



Anything else to add?