This program helps Australian artists raise funds for everything from albums to films

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This program helps Australian artists raise funds for everything from albums to films

Australian Cultural Fund

The Australian Cultural Fund is dedicated to supporting local artists and pushing culture forward.

Anyone who has ever created anything knows it usually isn’t cheap. Studio time, equipment, talent and tools – they all set artists back a pretty penny.

But imagine how boring life would be if everyone simply abandoned their creative endeavours because the costs were too high?

Australian Cultural Fund

  • Ran by Creative Partnerships Australia, this platform helps artists of all disciplines fund their creative projects
  • Artists can upload pitches and patrons can browse through projects and send direct donations
  • Donations over two dollars are tax deductable

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The Australian Cultural Fund seeks to ensure that all artistic projects with energy, support and potential are able to be completed. The platform, managed by Creative Partnerships Australia, was created to help artists pitch their projects to the public and secure funding. The money raised through the fund can transform the project from a vision into a reality.

On the website, patrons of the arts can browse through all kinds of proposed projects, including theatre, circus, festivals, film, music, dance and visual arts. Users can search by the type of project or the location and all donations made over two dollars are tax deductible.

For artists, the platform is a place to have their voices heard by a supportive community and potentially receive the necessary financial help to bring their ideas to life. After creating a brief, 300-word profile, they can upload images and videos that show off their idea and give donors a taste of what is to come. Any Australian artist or cultural organisation is welcome to sign up.

Unlike other fundraising tools, it doesn’t run on an all-or-nothing basis – meaning even if the artist’s entire target isn’t met, they still receive 100 per cent of any funds raised. For Australian creatives, the website is one of the most effective ways to run campaigns and secure money for future work.

To check out the Australian Cultural Fund, head here