There’s a massive burger festival coming to Melbourne

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There’s a massive burger festival coming to Melbourne


We like burgers. You like burgers. In fact, it seems all of Melbourne likes burgers because this festival attracted 7000 people last year, and is expected to be even bigger this time round. 

The event will feature creations from over a dozen of Melbourne’s finest burger outlets – including Mr Burger, Gorilla Grill, Sliders on Tyres, St Kilda Burger Bar and Sparrow’s Philly Cheesesteaks. 

They’re offering various interpretations of the classic dish, including Mexican, Jamaican, Vietnamese, Korean and Thai Issan. There’ll also be plenty of options for vegetarians and vegans. 

If you’ve got any room left, there’s also plenty of options for dessert. Billy van Creamery, Whoopies Cookies and Pop-Up Crepes will all be there, plus heaps of others. 

After Grand Final weekend in St Kilda, the festival will also visit Watergardens, Ballarat, Wodonga, and Shepparton.