There’s a hackathon happening for Games Week that could land you a job in the gaming industry

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There’s a hackathon happening for Games Week that could land you a job in the gaming industry

Photo: Matt Lucas
Words by Staff Writer

Career opportunities explored in new games education symposium as part of Melbourne International Games Week.

The inaugural Games Education Symposium, a free two-day event, will take place on 3-4 October, bringing together students, educators, and industry professionals to explore how digital games are enhancing educational outcomes and uncovering diverse career opportunities in the gaming industry.

Developed by the Victorian Government in collaboration with Melbourne International Games Week (MIGW) and the Department of Education, the ‘Games Education Symposium: Careers and Frontiers’ is a new addition to Asia-Pacific’s largest digital games celebration. As MIGW celebrates its 10th anniversary, this symposium extends its goal to connect games enthusiasts with developers and integrate the games industry with other sectors.

Games Education Symposium: Careers and Frontiers

  • The free, two-day symposium in its inaugural year
  • 3-4 October as part of Melbourne International Games Week

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Day One will focus on secondary students and teachers, featuring a keynote by George Osborn on the use of games for social good and their impact on various global issues. A roundtable mentoring session will allow game designers and developers to share their experiences and advice with aspiring professionals.

Day Two will connect games studios and developers with tertiary institutions, featuring The Great Debate: Working in Games is Not a Real Job, and a live feed link-up with a parallel conference in Denmark. International keynote speaker Dries Deryckere from Howest University (Belgium) will discuss training for future roles in the evolving games industry. Highlights include the Tertiary Hackathon, where students will develop solutions to real-world challenges through ‘games for good’.

The symposium will offer talks, panels, and networking opportunities with local studios, tertiary providers, and industry leaders. The Games Education Symposium is an initiative of the Victorian Government, in collaboration with Melbourne International Games Week and the Department of Education.

For more information and to register, visit