The Yarra Fish And Burger Kitchen

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The Yarra Fish And Burger Kitchen


In line with the venue’s down to earth style and commitment to freshness, the deep fried dishes on the menu are cooked in Cottonseed oil that is changed three times a week and it has a high smoke point so the food is fried at a higher temperature, ensuring crispy batter.

The menu is set into easily graspable food groups: From The Fish Shop, From The Burger Bar (Vegetarian and Non-vego), A Bit Of Green, Sweets and then for the kids Minnow Size.

One of the more interesting and popular dishes From The Fish Shop is the Chiko Deluxe Hangover. This intimidating dish comes with 1 x chiko roll, 1 x dim sim, 2 x potato cakes and chips with a malt vinegar aioli, and a barocca ($14) – if this bad boy doesn’t get you feeling better and focused for another night on the sauce than God help you!

The most traditional dish on From The Fish Shop menu is The Big Kahuna and I tell you what, if this doesn’t fill you up you are twice the man (or maybe seven times the man) that I am. Admittedly, it is designed for two people with 2 x battered rockling fillets, 6 x tiger prawns, 8 x squid curls, 2 x dim sims, 2 x potato cakes, pineapple fritter, chips, slaw and malt vinegar aioli ($40). Note to anyone that orders this dish: If you were ever going to start drinking light beer, now is the time.

Speaking of drinking beer there are multiple snacks, perfect for grazing, like the chicken pinxtos – Mexican marinated chicken tenders w/ slaw and tzatziki ($12), calamari –  salt and pepper battered squid curls on a rocket salad w/ tartae sauce ($14) or the buffalo wings with American style chicken wings in hot sauce w/ slaw and blue cheese dip ($14)

The Burger Bar has a similarly impressive array of offerings with three for vegetarians and seven options for the subtlety titled ‘Non-vego’ diners. A highlight of the vegetarian side of the burger bar is the Open Eggplant Sandwich that features panko crumbed fried discs w/ caramelized onions, mushrooms, cheese, tomato, lettuce, tzatziki, mayo that is sided with sweet potato chips ($16).

The big hit from the Non-vego side of the burger bar is the modestly named Cheeseburger. This is so much more than just a cheeseburger with two wagyu beef patties, two cheese, tomato, lettuce, pickle, special chef’s sauce in a bun sided by chips ($17).

As most readers of Beat Magazine would know, The Yarra Hotel also features some of the best local music going around. And with the venue being aware of this attraction they have put together a monthly Supper Club that occurs on the second last Thursday of every month, with July’s three course meal accompanied by Ash Naylor and the Supper Club. Thursday August 21 sees David Bridie (Not Drowning Waving and My Friend The Chocolate Cake) – contact the pub today to book your spot.

