The museum is set to maintain its status in 2012 as a new exhibition showcasing stunning artefacts from ancient civilisations will open on Friday May 4 2012. The exhibition The Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia reveals the journey from prehistoric fossils to Australia’s first computer exploring an era of extraordinary invention and innovation. Similar to the monumental Tutankhamen exhibition this too will be another first for Melbourne’s leading museum. Mesopotamia ancient Greek for “land between rivers” now occupies modern Iraq, north east Syria and South east Turkey and has played an enormous role in the development of human civilisation, as home to many great cities and empires whose dominance gave rise to science, art, law and government. The exhibition focuses on the great centres of Sumer, Assyria and Babylon whose richness is brought to life through objects and multimedia. Major archaeological sites found in the mid 19th century discovered the lost wonders of Mesopotamia which include over 170 artefacts presented in the exhibition.