Bus Projects is proud to present The West Wing: Commodity/Fetishism, the third and final installment of a series of art.
Bus Projects is proud to present The West Wing: Commodity/Fetishism, the third and final installment of a series of art.
Boasting work by potential art legends Kat Clarke, Maggie Brown, Chantal Fraser and Ann Fuata, Andrew Goodman, Kristen McIver, Drew Pettifer and Kent Wilson, Commodity/Fetishism is an intricate scrutiny of spatialism and site-specification. It lingers on themes like nostalgia, consumption and longing.
The show closes Thursday December 30 and reopens January 20 2011, from 6pm to 8pm. Check out the awesome Bus Gallery at 1/117 Little Lonsdale Street and visit www.busprojects.com.au for details on all other exhibitions.