If you've just completed VCE and have received your ATAR results, congratulations. If you're wondering what's next, then you might want to consider free TAFE.
The wait is officially over for thousands of students who have completed their Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) this year, with the ATAR results officially released at 7am today.
This year, 51,214 students are graduating with their VCE. More than 21,000 graduates have received study scores of 40 or higher, more than 650 have received the maximum study score of 50, and a further 3,048 have been awarded the VCE Baccalaureate.
Stay up to date with what’s happening in and around Melbourne here.
There are going to be another 60,000 free TAFE courses offered to Victorians next year
VCE's new, broader focus
Joining these students are 6,387 VCE Vocational Major graduates – the first group to have the benefit of the greater range of options now available in the VCE.
The VCE Vocational Major gives students practical experience in one or more industries through VET studies and replaces the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL).
It is a significant reform. It means that today, students who have taken a vocational and training pathway are also receiving the Victorian Certificate of Education.
On top of these achievements, nearly 800 students received the new Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) – a pathway that prepares students for future studies or entry into the workforce.
The overall VCE completion rate in Victoria was 97.4 per cent. Year 12 students across the state will now make the choice to go to university, TAFE, start an apprenticeship or traineeship, start working or take some time off.
2023 VCE results by the numbers
- This year 57,601 students graduate with their VCE, a completion rate of 97.4 per cent
- 51,214 completed traditional VCE
- A further 6,387 were VCE Vocational Major students – 11.1 per cent of the total
- 3,048 students will be awarded the VCE Baccalaureate
- 246,470 study scores were issued to students
- 21,754 study scores of 40 or above (8.8 per cent)
- 656 study scores of the maximum 50 (0.3 per cent)
- 93.6 per cent of students met the literacy and numeracy standards in the General Achievement Test (GAT)
Free TAFE courses
- Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying
- Advanced Diploma of Interpreting (Auslan)
- Diploma of Auslan
- Diploma of Interpreting (Auslan)
- Certificate II in Agriculture
- Certificate III in Agriculture
- Certificate IV in Agriculture
- Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
- Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance
- Certificate III in Civil Construction
- Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations
- Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Certificate III in Concreting
- Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing
- Certificate III in Dairy Production
- Certificate III in Dental Assisting
- Certificate IV in Dental Assisting
- Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
- Certificate III in Horticulture
- Certificate III in Production Horticulture
- Certificate III in Hospitality
- Certificate III in Individual Support
- Certificate III in Information Technology
- Certificate III in Rail Infrastructure
- Certificate III in School Based Education Support
- Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations
- Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Certificate IV in Building and Construction
- Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
- Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention
- Certificate IV in Civil Construction
- Diploma of Community Services
- Certificate IV in Community Services
- Certificate IV in Cyber Security
- Certificate IV in Disability Support
- Certificate IV in Engineering
- Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
- Certificate IV in Mental Health
- Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work
- Certificate IV in Outdoor Leadership
- Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services
- Certificate IV in School Based Education Support
- Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing
- Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- Certificate IV in Youth Work
- Diploma of Accounting
- Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Diploma of Emergency Health Care
- Diploma of Justice
- Diploma of Nursing
- Graduate Certificate in Client Assessment and Case Management
- Diploma of Youth Work
- Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Certificate III in Tourism
Free pre-apprenticeships
- Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology
- Certificate II in Automotive Body Repair Technology
- Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology
- Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
- Certificate II in Baking
- Certificate II in Building and Construction Pre-apprenticeship
- Certificate II in Construction Pathways
- Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start)
- Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-vocational)
- Certificate II in Engineering Studies
- Certificate II in Furniture Making
- Certificate II in Horticulture
- Certificate II in Meat Processing (Food Services)
- Certificate II in Nursery Operations
- Certificate II in Plumbing Pre-apprenticeship
- Certificate II in Printing and Graphic Arts
- Certificate II in Salon Assistant
Choosing between TAFE and university
While many students focus on university degrees, it's hard to discount the increasingly free number of TAFE courses in Victoria.
TAFE often has a strong emphasis on practical, hands-on skills. This can be advantageous for individuals who prefer learning by doing and want to gain specific vocational skills for a particular job or industry.
They're often shorter in duration, meaning that individuals can enter the workforce more quickly and start earning sooner. They often have strong ties to industry and provide training that is directly relevant to current workplace needs. And of course, they often have more accessible entry requirements compared to universities. All food for thought.
"I am thrilled to congratulate the class of 2023 on completing their VCE – your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have paid off and you’ve done us proud," Premier Jacinta Allan said.
“What you do from here in the Education State is up to you and there have never been more choices available across university, TAFE, traineeships and work – including free teaching and nursing courses.”
“Our first ever intake of VCE Vocational Major students should be so proud of themselves and all the hard work they have done this year – getting real world training that will take them to TAFE and into great jobs for life," Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney added.
“We’ve delivered Free TAFE for in-demand industries, so there’s nothing holding Victorians back from getting the training they need," Member for Williamstown Melissa Horne concluded. "And we’re helping support the teachers and nurses of the future by funding free teaching and nursing courses in 2024.”
VCE results and Australian Tertiary Admission Rankings (ATAR) are available from 7:00am today for students who registered to access their results online. Students with questions about their results can call the Post Results and ATAR Service on 9637 3877 or 1800 653 080.
To view VCE results, head here. To find out more about free TAFE courses, head here.