The Unexpected Variety Show

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The Unexpected Variety Show


Despite being a mother of three, Wynter is a vivacious ball of energy with incredible control on her audience’s emotions. This one-woman show switches in seconds from hilarity to tear-jerking anecdotes about abortion, leaving the crowd feeling bittersweet.

Wynter has a firm grasp on the art of storytelling, improvised comedy and seems to really enjoy getting into character. The show is packed with parodies of popular songs as well as ones written herself. In addition a ‘meatloaf-style ballad’, a definite crowd pleaser was her song ‘one night in labour’ which had the audience in fits of laughter and she describes (perhaps too vividly) giving birth to her first child. Complete with an extremely well choreographed dance routine, and a few robot dance moves for good measure. As she likens giving birth to ‘taking a strawberry out of fondue’, Wynter captivates her audience, both male and female, from start to finish.

‘The Unexpected Variety Show’ is essentially about what happens when life doesn’t go as planned. A mother-daughter duet with a ballerina puppet that shifts from ‘Mummy Rocks’ to ‘Mummy Sucks’, is hilarious, but also sheds light on the difficulties of raising children. Dressed in a blue tutu-style skirt, bold makeup and sporting a variety of wigs throughout the show, Wynter truly knows how to bring the stage to life. It seems as though this performance is her letting her inner child out on stage, as she leaps and prances around, singing (incredibly well) at the top of her lungs. It seems that Jenny Wynter is finally having her moment.