As the launch for their new album Earnest, it was no surprise that they would start with the title track. Justin Bernasconi’s vocals and guitar work shined while newest member Ben Franz amazed on lap steel, completing their signature sound.
Drummer Cat Canteri’s vocals were pitch-perfect as they followed with the haunting tale of Nancy Jean. And while the tone was slower than expected to start with, the spirit was notably higher. The atmosphere lifted again as the band launched into Call Me Up, and a few headed to front-of-stage to dance. The up-beat tempo continued with Nobody Knows You Tonight and crowd favourite Jimmy’s Treehouse. The Stillsons then showcased their many different styles and influences, with something for all tastes – whether it was the rockabillyJohn the Dogg, soulful blues of She Don’t Wanna Know or emotional tracks like Stillson, Deserve and In Violence.
With powerful bass and steel, Rock For You had everyone moving and Bernasconi demonstrated his impeccable skills with a lengthy electric guitar solo. The raw country sound of Death Country was the best example of The Stillson’s fine-tuned dynamic, with the speedier steel backing from Franz setting the pace for Canteri and Bernasconi’s playful lyrics.
As they thanked everyone for coming and left the stage, the clapping grew louder until they re-emerged for a welcomed encore. Having played the new album in its entirety, they opted for Charity & Ghosts from their first album Circus.
LOVED: Everyone who got up and danced.
HATED: People who talk during smaller, intimate gigs.
DRANK: Beer from small plastic glasses.